

Pioneer in the fields of reducing, waste sorting and collecting non-organic waste its restaurants, Sodexo has obtained the SuperDrecksKëscht label for its 2006 performances. Today, all of its catering locations renew yearly their certification.

Socially Responsible Company

Sodexo is part of the first companies in Luxembourg to obtain the “Corporate Socially Responsible - CSR” Label, by being labelled for the first time in 2010, then relabelled again in 2013 and 2016.

Made in Luxembourg

Sodexo is proud to have received the Made in Luxembourg label, which recognizes excellence in service and commitment to quality and innovation.


Triple certification OHSAS 18001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 9001

This triple certification covers the central organization of the support processes for the catering and facility management activities of Sodexo Luxembourg S.A.

Certification ISO 22000

ISO 22000 certification for on-site catering and delivery from one of our kitchens.

Certification ISO 14001

ISO 14001 certification for all of our activities (catering, cleaning, mail, helpdesk, etc.) provided by a historical client.


IMS Luxembourg

In 2007, Sodexo becomes a member of IMS Luxembourg, which offers practical actions of implementing CSR within Luxemburgish companies. Sodexo wishes to actively commit itself in the sustainable development and profit from the dynamism created by the companies within IMS.

Diversity Chart Lëtzebuerg

Sodexo Luxembourg participated in the development of the Diversity Chart Lëtzebuerg in September 2012, via the work group IMS Diversity Luxembourg. In addition of being signatory, Sodexo Luxembourg chose to be part of the 5 privileged partners who support financially this Chart.

MLQE - Quality Member

Since 2014, Sodexo is a member of the « Mouvement Luxembourgeois pour la Qualité et l’Excellence “

Zero single use plastic

Since January 1st ,2019, Sodexo applied actions for reduce plastic waste in all of the locations in Luxembourg.


Ministry of Equality

In 2013, Sodexo received the positive Actions certification in the framework of its actions on the equality of genders theme within three priority domains, namely : Equal treatment of women and men, Gender equality in decision-making, Equality of women and men within the reconciliation of professional and personal life.

Healthy Workplace Award

Sodexo takes care of its human resources, values nurturing the workspace and promotes all practices which improve the risk and health prevention of its employees. In recognition of its social progress, Sodexo received in 2009 the Healthy Workplace Award.

Diversity awards

In 2017, Sodexo Luxembourg has been awarded with the Diversity Award Lëtzebuerg for the “Vis ma Vie@Sodexo” project, which consist in proposing the employees to change their profession during a discovery day, regardless of age, gender and even educational background.