Sodexo in India
Managing growth in a fast moving economy
Population 1.2 billion, world’s 7th largest country by area, one of the fastest-growing major economies, socially and culturally diverse: India is a country defined by the countless challenges it faces. Since 1997, our teams have been delivering a wide range of services in India, from Benefits and Rewards to On-site Services with a common objective of becoming the leader in Quality of Life Services.

Building on success
Sodexo’s reputation for professionalism in India is firmly rooted in the success of Benefits and Rewards Services in the country. Through extensive development of Meal Pass (vouchers and cards) and Gift Pass (vouchers), also covering incentive and recognition programs, Sodexo has built its leadership on the vouchers and cards market in India. Articles in the press often mention Sodexo as a possible employee benefit when referring to meal voucher benefits!
Today, Sodexo Benefits and Rewards teams are in daily contact with 10,000 clients, including large Public and Private sector companies and multinationals, and serve over 3 million beneficiaries. Client references include: Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Barclays Bank PLC, Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd., L’Oréal, DHL Express India Ltd. and Alcatel Lucent India Ltd. Among our latest innovations: a new, user-friendly mobile application ‘Sodexo Outlet Locator’, facilitates searching Sodexo Meal and Gift Pass affiliated outlets across India while on the move.
At the same time, our On-site Services teams have succeeded in managing the complexity of the market, seizing opportunities in many new growth areas. Thanks to rigorous QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety and Environment) practices and a wide range of services, Sodexo is pursuing rapid growth in the Health Care sector. Likewise in Education, Sodexo delivers services that optimize the learning experience. Our teams have also proven expertise in operating across the full spectrum of market segments, from Corporate to Remote Sites, with blue chip companies including Tata Motors Ltd, The Royal Bank of Scotland, and Transocean. The significant synergies between our On-site and Benefits and Rewards Services activities are an essential source of growth in this complex market.
Employee development: raising the standards
As the cornerstone of its business development, employees have always been at the heart of Sodexo’s attention. Since its creation, Sodexo has always been convinced that one of the keys to ensuring its growth as a company is investment in the development of its people. From frontline employees to the most senior leaders, everyone at Sodexo has the opportunity to be trained and developed all along their career.
Through extensive induction programs – customized for various levels and locations, and adapted to 6 regional languages we ensure that every new employee in India has perfect knowledge of Sodexo’s top quality standards, systems and policies. Systematic and continual training is a key to our business. Sodexo Academy, our internal training team in Sodexo India, has worked to design specific modules, programs and learning paths focused on the professional development of our people - the programs being customized to the job role and the business needs.
In addition to local programs, Senior Leaders in India follow global development programs designed by the Sodexo Management Institute in order to reinforce their leadership skills in line with the Group's overall strategy.
Active in the community
Our development in India goes hand in hand with our commitment to contributing to the social and environmental development of local communities. With our STOP Hunger program, Sodexo plays an active role, notably through its partnership with the “Eco kitchen” in Chennai. The program focuses on helping women earn a living through the preparation and sale of food, which is sold by these women, in special carts located in different parts of the city at a markup price. Sodexo works with them by providing food, training in health and safety practices as well as teaching basic business principles. In 2012, Sodexo India teams joined forces with ECO Kitchen on World Food Day and distributed food to nearly 30,000 disadvantaged people. Our teams have also supported the “Save The Children” charity that works for the education of 250 special children suffering from hearing challenges and speech dysfunction, hailing from the slums of Mumbai, to provide practical assistance and helping the neglected or abused children enter society.