Local Communities


As part of the global initiative held simultaneously across 80 countries where we operate around the world, we held the Better Tomorrow Plan initiative on 2011 by giving hand to refurbish and renovate one of the orphanage homes that shelters more than 100 orphan children.

Warung Anak Sehat (Healthy Children Kiosks)

img_RB_WarungAnakSehatWarung Anak Sehat is our first CSR program with Saloi Foundation. In this program, we fight hunger and malnutrition by providing and facilitating healthy snacks for children's consumption in the surrounding villages around the mine. Due to the proximity, it is difficult to get products which are healthy and suitable for consumption. We also collaborate with a mother who is also known as IWAS (Ibu Warung Anak Sehat or Ambassadors of Warung Anak Sehat) from Sagea village at Central Halmahera to actively provides nutritious meals and at the same time, communicating on the importance of health to the other mothers in the village.


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