Being connected on the camp

Being connected on the camp

Connect Me is a hosted platform that enables workers to access a full range of media and communication services, and give them the tools to maintain contact with their relatives and friends.




Picto - Surf me (60x60)Internet and Wi-Fi services

Your employees will get high speed internet via their personal laptop, in their room common areas or in the camp.

Picto - Phone me (60x60)Telephony services

We offer several telephony options to answer your crew’s needs to keep contact with their relatives.

Picto - Entertain me (60x60)Media and leisure services

We propose a wide range of media to entertain your people on the camp, such as gaming, video on demand or web radios.

Picto - Help me (60x60)Social services

Connect Me offers social services to your employees with access to a virtual concierge, personal assistant services, or videoconferencing options.

More services

Comforting accomodation and foodservices

We provide catering, housekeeping, cleaning and laundry to give your employees the comfort they expect and deserve offshore.

A dedicated wellness program

Well Track is an incentives-based program that encourages your employees to get and stay in shape, both on the camp and during leave at home.

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