Helping you develop

Yesterday a dishwasher, today a supervisor. Yesterday a salesperson, today the CFO of a division... These are not clichés, but rather the paths traveled in 10 years by Li Fengpin in China and Simon in the UK. Because we know that their expertise and engagement are a large part of our success, we continually invest in the professional development of our employees.

We want to be an incubator of talent, even for those who are total beginners. Internships, apprenticeships, entry-level positions... there are many ways to include Sodexo on the first line of a resume - and to quickly add even more lines!

Development programs are at the heart of our human resources policy. They allow anyone who wants to do so to add to existing know-how, acquire new skills, change professions or prepare for international mobility... We help you to build your future every day.