Helping you develop

Yesterday a dishwasher, today a supervisor. Yesterday a salesperson, today the CFO of a division... These are not clichés, but rather the paths traveled in 10 years by Li Fengpin in China and Simon in the UK. Because we know that their expertise and engagement are a large part of our success, we continually invest in the professional development of our employees.

As a global company, we consider international mobility as a vehicle for promoting synergy and innovation. For our employees, it is also a powerful force for personal and professional fulfillment.


Raj VermaRaj Verma is today Director of Human Resources for Sodexo in Australia and New Zealand. It was a big challenge when he decided to leave the UK in 2009. To prepare for this 17,000 km leap, he was able to benefit from the cultural navigator, an on-line tool designed for our employees who are considering an international assigment. With it, he was able to familiarize himself with the "Aussies", a crucial step for his future mission.

"Before developing any strategy, a human resources manager has to have an in-depth understanding of what motivates people, which varies from one country to another." Today, he considers his debut "down under" as very stimulating and appreciates the opportunity provided to him and his family.


World map (242px)
With activities across 80 countries, with more than 150 families of jobs, Sodexo offers a vast array of opportunities for everybody whatever their background.