

Front desk hosts and hostesses are a company’s daily ambassadors. They are visitors’ first contact with the company when they come through the door. A smile, attentive listening and a proactive attitude can make all the difference.

Maintaining a high level of quality

The reception teams are trained develop and maintain a high level of human relations skills. Day after day, we guarantee that our standards are properly applied and continually refined to optimize the quality of our service. Our teams act as the interface between the company and the outside.

One of our major partners is the Double Lake Condominium in Bangkok.

More services

Foodservices for People on the Go

The fast pace of work and overloaded schedules have resulted in radically shortened lunch hours.

Communication Facilities

Despite the explosion of online communication, mail and shipment activities are still very much in demand and vital for doing business.


We help our clients to implement efficient and tailor-made solutions.


Please send your inquiries, including feedback and requests for information.