Mental Health

At Sodexo, we focus not just on the physical safety of our valued staff but are also committed to developing and maintaining improved levels of psychological and emotional wellbeing. 

I Hear You logoWe have implemented a new initiative for our employees, which brings mental health to front of mind, called I Hear You. This initiative is aligned to our mission to improve Quality of Life and the goal of a zero harm workplace.

The original idea comes from one of our Site Managers, who, from personal experience with the impact of suicide felt it was critical that our business start the conversation on mental health with our employees. I Hear You ensures meaningful and immediate support is available for our employees in times of need.


I Hear You - infographic

  Click infographic to view our journey so far.








What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and successfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.


Why are we doing this?

  • One in five Australians each year will experience a mental illness

  • Two-thirds will not seek help for their mental illness

  • In any one year, around one million Australian adults have depression, and more than two million have an anxiety disorder.

  • More than two thousand Australians die by suicide each year

The good news is that, just like physical illnesses, depression and anxiety can be treated and people can recover from episodes and continue to live productive and rewarding lives. Both conditions share many of the same treatments, and the sooner a person with depression and/or anxiety seeks help, the sooner he or she can recover.

We want to ensure there are increased levels of understanding of mental health issues within our workplace and create a supportive environment where people can seek help, just as you would seek assistance for a physical injury.

I Hear You survey results

I Hear You survey stats

Sodexo's I Hear You initiative wins AMMA 2015 Workforce Innovation award

Workforce Innovation award RHB

Sodexo has won the Workforce Innovation Award, which was announced at AMMA’s 2015 Resource People National Conference annual Gala Dinner in Perth.

Australian Mining 6 July 2015

Australian Mining 6 July 2015

Why employers need to speak out about mental health.