Water and Effluents

We will reduce our water footprint in all countries where we operate and at client sites.

Water and Effluents

Why Does Sodexo Engage?

Despite the fact that most of our planet is covered in water, less than 1 is available for people to drink and for agriculture. As an international company we are aware of the community and business impacts of water scarcity and the need to conserve potable water.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

Sodexo has defined an understanding and ability to measure Sodexo’s water footprint (defined as the total amount of water used for the production or the consumption of goods and consumed services). In partnership with the WWF, we have identified “hot spots” where we need to focus our attention and define the actions to be taken. And we continue to train our employees on water-related issues.

In Fiscal 2016,


of client sites were implementing awareness and behavior steps to reduce water consumption.

Source: Sodexo Fiscal Year 2016

Reducing Water Use in Drought-Stricken California

Sodexo’s campus-wide water conservation initiatives at the Athenian School, a private prep school with 473 students in Danville, California resulted in a nearly 30 decrease in water use and a yearly savings of $15,000 by educating students on water use, the installation of low-flow faucet aerators and by replacing sod on the sports fields with synthetic grass. Nearly two million gallons of water are saved annually by irrigating the school’s grounds during the summer months, instead of year-round.