Fight against Hunger and Malnutrition

Through Better Tomorrow 2025, we commit to supporting the communities in which we work. We aim to improve the quality of life for all the people we serve, as well as contributing to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities in which we operate. 

Stop Hunger Commitment

Why Does Sodexo Engage?

Quality of Life begins when basic human needs are met. Proper nourishment meets a vital need and is a fundamental human right. Hunger is an issue close to our heart and part of our Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments. Hunger and malnutrition is a major issue globally, but our actions start close to home in our local communities and remote areas in which we operate.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

Sodexo supports Stop Hunger Worldwide, a non-profit organisation and global movement to address hunger. Originally founded over 20 years ago by Sodexo employees, Stop Hunger is a leading force dedicated in the fight against hunger and malnutrition in the world by engaging our stakeholders.

Sodexo contributes its expertise to eradicate hunger both through its own operations and through supporting charitable work and employee activism including:  

  • Servathon, annual global food collection and volunteer effort, mobilising employees, suppliers, clients, and customers
  • Surplus food collection
  • Hands-on and skills-based volunteering
  • Working and supporting community gardens 
  • Fundraising activities

Take action, donate today! 

100% of proceeds from our Servathon efforts will go towards Foodbank Australia  For every $1 donation, Foodbank can provide $8 worth of food to nourish hungry Victorians. Just $25 can provide enough food for a family of four for a week. A donation of $100 can feed a family for a month.

  • Account Name: Sodexo Australia Pty Ltd
  • BSB: 062-000
  • Acc: 10537123
  • Bank: Commonwealth Bank
  • Reference: Servathon – Your Name/Organisation


More commitments to local communities

Partner Inclusion Program

When companies effectively integrate SMEs into their supply chains, the benefits for them, for SME owners, and for the communities in which the SMEs operate are significant.

Learn more

Fairly traded certified products

Ensuring better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

Learn more

Contact us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow 2025? Contact us

Stop Hunger

STOP Hunger Logo (240x120)

Find out more about how you can support Stop Hunger.

In Fiscal 2016,


volunteers were mobilised in 44 countriesto distribute 5.7 million meals and collect USD 4.6 million.

Stop Hunger Fiscal Year 2016