How Quality of Life boosts the performance of SMEs

Offer a functional and pleasant working space, reward performance through gift cards, organize corporate parties. Boosting employee Quality of Life is often seen as a winning HR strategy for companies. But what about Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which often end up in the role of David against the corporate world’s Goliath in the face of competition from big businesses?

To better understand the link between Quality of Life and the performance of SMEs, more than 4,800 small business leaders have been interviewed in 7 countries (Brazil, Chile, France, India, Mexico, Romania and Turkey).

The survey results unveil a range of business outcomes SMEs benefit from as a direct result of investing in Quality of Life. As more measures are introduced, SME leaders notice improvements inemployee productivity, ease of recruitment, financial turnover and even in their reputation.

Key findings: increased Quality of Life measures yield bigger returns for SMEs



This study was designed to highlight the correlation between Quality of Life and the performance of SMEs. It was conducted by Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Services in conjunction with TNS Sofres in seven countries: Brazil, Chile, France, India, Mexico, Romania and Turkey. This initial survey was carried out in the second half of 2015 through telephone interviews with 4,805 heads of businesses employing between 10 and 100 people.

Key drivers to improve performance

SME leaders highlight 6 key drivers which improve performance:

• 95%: Valuing the efforts of employees and recognizing their performance

• 92%: Improving comfort and safety in the working environment

• 91%: Promoting personal development and training

• 87%: Helping employees take care of their health

• 84%: Helping employees to better balance work and personal life

• 70%: Promoting access to culture and leisure

Our studies and reports


Whether at companies, universities, hospitals or even offshore sites, our studies and reports help us better understand how Quality of life is perceived worldwide.