Nutrition, health and wellness
As a global player in foodservices, Sodexo has considerable influence on the eating habits of more than 50 million people around the world.
To promote health and wellness, we offer solutions by proposing a wholesome, well-balanced diet with reduced intake of fats, sugar and salt.
Reduced intake of sugar, salt and fats
Sodexo is committed to encouraging reduced intake of sugar, salt and fats at all our client sites by 2015.

EUROPE - As part of our ongoing effort to improve the nutritional value of the products we use, we worked with the European subsidiaries of one of our major global suppliers to improve the nutritional value of our soups, sauces and broths. As a result, we have succeeded in reducing the salt and fat content of the sauce bases that we use.

AUSTRALIA - The Smartfuel program focuses primarily on identifying healthy eating options such as low fat, low saturated fat and low salt meals. Originally implemented in Sodexo’s Defense, Remote Sites and Corporate segments, the program has been re-developed specifically for Seniors sites in 2010. It is now implemented at 30 eldercare facilities serving 65,100 meals each week and 43,000 mid-meals and snacks.
More about the Smartfuel program