Employee benefit solutions

We provide access to a wide range of best food providers that improve the Quality of Life of our consumers. Through our services: HR Solutions that cater employee benefits; we improve the Quality of Life of individuals by impacting their engagement, while we free admin hassle for companies and organizations with effective cost tools.

Lunch Box Platforn is a professional automatic online meal ordering website. Lauched in 2015, it has quickly become a realiable and convenience tool for Corporates in meal subsidy by lunch box method.

Lunch Box Platform not only keep the tradition of having meal in the office together, but also minimize admin work for client by simplifying and professionalizing ordering process.

On Platform, employees could freely choose their favorite meal among lots of menus from different Sodexo suppliers, then the food will be delivered to the office before a certain time.

Lunch Box Platform automatically process all orders after approved by Client’s admin, which release admin pressure for Human Resource a lot in follow up and ordering meal every day.

Clearly order and report could be exported directly from Platform help Client easy to check and make payment at the end of each period.




Every client is different and every motivation program is unique. We can share with you how some of our solutions help you and your business.