Balancing meal options

We will advocate balancing meal options at all our clients’ sites by 2016.

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Why Does Sodexo Engage?

The World Health Organization (WHO) projects estimates that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese.  We know that nutrition is a foundation for health and development, because better nutrition means stronger immune system, less illness and better overall health.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

Sodexo has defined strategic objectives to promote varied and balanced food options:

  • We continually review our menus to ensure that we offer balanced, varied menus that help our clients and consumers reduce the risk of obesity and malnutrition,

  • By investigating and developing partnerships to help find solutions to manage specific needs and common allergies,

  • Implementing transparent, ongoing worldwide dialogue with external stakeholders to promote healthy living,

  • Our qualified staff empowers consumers to make healthy choices through information and advice,

  • Providing access to nutritional advice via the web or hotlines.