Local Communities
Inca de la infiintarea sa, Sodexo a lucrat in permanenta pentru a contribui la dezvoltarea economica si sociala a comunitatilor, regiunilor si tarilor unde opereaza. Sodexo si-a asumat angajamentul de a produce un impact pozitiv prin activitatile sale asupra Calitatii Vietii oamenilor.
Fight against Hunger and MalnutritionWe will fight hunger and malnutrition worldwide through a dedicated Stop Hunger organization. |
Supply Chain Inclusion ProgramWe will promote the economic development of diverse and inclusive businesses through our Supply Chain Inclusion Program in all the countries where we operate by 2020. | ||||||||||
Fairly traded certified productsWe will increase the purchase of products sourced from fairly traded certified sources by 2015. | |||||||||||