A responsible employer

95% of our employees are in direct daily contact with our consumers. Sodexo's success depends on our employees’ expertise, pride and pleasure in delivering our services across all of our businesses. We strive to ensure that each individual, whatever their qualifications, has the opportunity to continuously develop their skills and advance in their responsibilities.

Since its founding, internal promotion has been part of Sodexo’s DNA: 80% of managers have been promoted from within. In extending this practice throughout the company, we provide the same opportunities to all employees to evolve and grow.

technicians training


The desire to advance

A policy of promoting from within works when it instills a desire to advance, combining effective communication, promotion of occupational mobility and development of skills. Today, 79%* of our employees feel they have the means to evolve within Sodexo.
Whatever their country, level of training or responsibilities, each employee has our commitment to support them in advancing, according to their abilities and ambition. To deliver on our commitment, we have implemented programs to identify talent and evaluate individual needs.
* Source: 2010 Sodexo engagement survey 

In practice...

In Fiscal 2010, 34% of our managerial openings went to site managers and 21% of our site manager positions were filled by employees who had begun in front-line positions.

In the U.S., one of every two management positions is filled through promotion of service employees.

In Germany, a training center was created to enable employees to understand the most complex and innovative aspects of their profession.

In France, the number of apprentices benefiting from mentoring has multiplied by 2.5 since 2005.

In Romania,  we are constantly seeking talented individuals with various skills and experience to further strengthen our teams in delivering service excellence to our clients. We constantly organize recruitment drives in search of new talents while we also  conduct consistent training programs and skills trainings to retain and organically grow our existing talents.

STOP Hunger Association activities in Romania

Food-packages8,000 packages with necessity food (each pack containing basic food for one family to cover the necessary for one month):

- over 8 tons of sugar
- over 8 tons of oil
- over 8 tons of flower
- over 8 tons beans
- over 8,000 of cans of green beans
- over 7.5 tons of rice
- over 8 tons of corn flower
- over 45,000 meet cans
-over  300,000 yogurts

Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Romania

Legal name: Sodexo Pass Romania SRL

Identification data:
Registration with the Registrar of Companies under No. J40/9678/1998
VAT ID: RO11071295.
Share capital: 11,045,350 lei
Bank account number: RO20 CITI 0000 0007 2484 9016
Bank: CITIBANK Europe plc, Dublin - Romania Branch