Stop Hunger activities in Romania
About Stop Hunger AssociationStop Hunger Association was established in Romania in 2008 with the support of Sodexo continuing the efforts initiated by Sodexo’ Stop Hunger Program worldwide since 1996.
The Association is independent, being by managed by a Board composed of representative of NGOs with years of experience in social work. Sodexo is auditing each year the Association, making sure that all funds received are used for the purpose for which were allocated and is a constant partner in the implementation of the project
Since 2008 Stop Hunger Association with the support of Sodexo ‘s team succeeded to mobilize important resources for the benefit of persons in difficulty and to develop programs aiming at improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups (children, elder persons, etc). Many private companies chose to trust Stop Hunger Association and support its interventions at the level of local community: Sodexo, Volksbank, Takata, Smart Point, Clinica Sante, Romcab, Labormed, Dr, Oetker, Cadbury, Ara Shoes, Celestica, Nuclearelectrica, Vector Telecom, A&D Pharma , Medicover, Pentalog are only few of the sponsors that choose to trust Stop Hunger Association.
More than 10,000 employees contributed with donations to Stop Hunger Association since 2008, demonstrating that sharing the same values is an important feature that connects employees in Romania.
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Food Donations (2015)
Supporting families in difficulty with basic food continue to be one the priorities in Sodexo’s CSR project through the partnership with Stop Hunger Association. On December 18th, over 100 families in difficulty, that have under care children or adults with incurable disease received packages with food. The action was developed in partnership with Hospice House of Hope – Centre for Palliative Care, Bucharest.
Eat healthy at school (2015)
In partnership with students from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Sodexo Romania has implemented the educational program for nutrition named "Eat healthy at school" for children from primary school (grades 0 – XII). This year, 700 children were taught to eat balanced lunch breaks at school.
Sodexo program will continue to promote a balanced lifestyle.
Give a happy start of the school year! (2015)
Over 500 children from families in difficult situation received in 2015, for the second consecutive year, whitin the campaign "Give a happy start of the school year!", that occurred in September – October 2015, new school bags, with all necessary supplies. The campaign was coordinated by Sodexo in partnership with "Stop Hunger Association" WfMC and Fan Courier and involved the mobilization of an impressive number of employees from different companies that contributed with donations. This initiative was among the three nominees at the French Chamber of Commerce Gala (CCIFER) - section Social Responsibility.
An apple per day (2014)
Sodexo is a proud supporter of the campaing An apple per day! developed by Stop Hunger Association in the period October - December 2014. During this campaign 500 children received an apple every day and learned about the benefits of a healthy & variate nutrition with doctors nutritionists. Learn more details on the campaign here!
Give a happy start of the school year! (2014)
In the period September - October 2014 Sodexo proudly supported Stop Hunger Association campaign "Offer a Happy Back to School" in which 500 children received new school bags fully equipped with school supplies needed for a new school year begining. The campaign was supported by many companies and employees in companies. Learn more details here

The project "Adopt a Family" (2011- present)
The project started in 2011 and is developed by Stop Hunger Association with the guidance and support of Sodexo. It aims to create a support network for children living in poverty and having the risk to abandon the school due to poverty. During the project, for each child participating in the project is found a company willing to accompany him during his studies, offering a monthly scholarship and mentoring. The program is implemented in the present in Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Iasi, Oradea, Timisoara and Satu Mare and the impact on children development is amazing. The mechanism of the project is encouraging the children to become responsible for their development and support the families to use the scholarships for the support.
Make a wish - Christmas
Over 400 children living in poverty received for Christmas 2013 and Easter 2014 exactly what they wished for due to the efforts of Stop Hunger Association supported by Sodexo and its amazing clients & client's employees that make true the dreams of children.
Food donations for pediatrics department of Budimex & Oncology Institute (2013)
In the period October –December 2013, Stop Hunger Association & Hospice Casa Sperantei with Sodexo support has developed a project aiming at supporting with food the mothers coming from very poor facilities that are hospitalized with their children suffering of cancer and that are forced to stay in hospital because their children are too small (0-3 years old). Over 250 employees of Expert Petroleum, Alcatel-Lucent, Wipro, Deltatel, DGRFP, Raiffeisen, S&T Romania, ING Romania, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Huawei, D&B David and Baias, RBS, LeasePlan, Metro Romania, Calpol, Porsche Romania, Sodexo, Railoc and Property Management contributed with donations for this cause. The mothers shared the foord received with their children, which was a touching moment.
Support for the flooding victims in Galati (2013)
Stop Hunger Association & Red Cross Galati with the support of Sodexo & Novo Park has developed in the period september -october 2013 a campaign to raise support for the benefit of flooding victims in Galati. During this campaign contributed with donations employees of the companies: RINGIER, MONDELEZ, HP- GEBOC, P&G, LUXOFT, INFINEON, GARANTI BANK, YOKOGAWA, SODEXO, IIRUC SERVICE, WFMC, FAN COURIER si UNICREDIT. The donations collected were sent to Galati with the support of Fan Courier 71 boxes with food and hygiene products.
A better tomorow - more trees for our children (2013)
Sodexo continued in 2013 its initiative of planting trees, as is doing every year, part of the Better Tomorrow program that aims also to encourange employees to become responsible citizens that contributes to the environment protection. 203 oak trees were planted during this activity in april 2013.
Campaign "Give from your heart!" (2010-2011)
The campaign was developed in the period July 2010- March 2011 by STOP Hunger Association, Sodexo Romania and Romanian Red Cross among clients and vouchers beneficiaries in Romania to raise support in the benefit of flooding victims. The donation were used to buy food for 170 families that were in difficult situation because their homes collapsed during the flooding and they lived in temporary shelters in Dorohoi (Botosani county) and Margineni (Bacau County). The donations were sent in the victims camps in september, october, december 2010 and march 2011. During this campaign were received donations from 4468 employees from 415 companies.
Servathon Campaign - Support for people with terminal diseases in Oradea (2009-2010)
The campaign, developed in 2009 & 2010, aimed at raising awareness on the patients’ children suffering of terminal diseases that lives in poverty in Bihor county and to raise funds necessary for food & hygiene products through events that facilitated employees volunteering to raise funds: blood donation, football championship & creativity workshop, financial donations from Sodexo beneficiaries & partners, teledon & public events: Creativity workshop in Children City (June 20th) & NGOs Fair (11-13 September 2009).
Nutrition Guide for children “Let’s Grow Healthy” (2008)
In 2008, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle under Nutrika & Grow program, Stop Hunger Association and Sodexo Romania launched a nutrition guide for children aged 11-14 years old.
The guide was created in a manner that children could easily understand it. The guide was donated with the support of Sodexo to all public schools in Romania, to all public libraries, to central government, to non profit organizations and to medical centers in Romania. Based on a partnership with Bucharest School Inspectorate, the guide was used for Nutrition hours in schools. The project was developed in partnership with Medicover, National Institute for Nutrition Prof. Dr. N. Paulescu & Sodexo.
Campaign Servathon 2008- Support for 3 isolated villages in Romania (2008)
The Servathon campaign 2008, aimed at supporting the communities from 3 very poor Romanian villages: Alma Vii (center of Romania), Almasel (West) and Bolda (North)- funds & products in value of 32, 972 Euro were raised. The communities received food & medicines to support them to pass the winter period given that the villages have no access road and during the winter are isolated. In Almasel and Alma Vii local authorities involved in the campaign and started their own support programs. In Bolda, Sodexo continues the support Stop Hunger Association to deliver bread every week, supporting the children to go to school and facilitating the visit of a doctor and of a social assistant.
Support for single parent families with children (2003-2009)
The program was initiated by Sodexo in 2003 and continued by Stop Hunger Association starting with 2008. Within the project 300 families received monthly packages with food. The program was supported by Sodexo that facilitated an impressive quantity of donations: 8,000 packages with necessity food (each pack containing basic food for one family to cover the necessary for one month): over 8 tons of sugar, over 8 tons of oil, over 8 tons of flower, over 8 tons beans, over 8,000 of cans of green beans, over 7.5 tons of rice, over 8 tons of corn flower, over 45,000 meet cans, over 300,000 yogurts to Day Care Center of St. Dimitrie Foundation, ....+ other food & medicines!
Campaign “You too can save a life. Donate blood!” (2007- prezent)
Starting with 2007, Sodexo’s employees & employees of other partners of the company donate blood every 3 months within the project “You too can save a life. Donate blood!”. The project is developed by Stop Hunger Association in partnership with National Center for Blood Transfusion of the Bucharest Municipality at the initiative of Sodexo. In 2007, Sodexo received the award of the national campaign “Donate Life” for succeding to mobilize the highest number of donors.
The Better Tomorrow Plan
Sodexo is committed to sustainable development and has defined a worldwide roadmap: the Better Tomorrow Plan.
STOP Hunger Association activities in Romania
8,000 packages with necessity food (each pack containing basic food for one family to cover the necessary for one month):
- over 8 tons of sugar
- over 8 tons of oil
- over 8 tons of flower
- over 8 tons beans
- over 8,000 of cans of green beans
- over 7.5 tons of rice
- over 8 tons of corn flower
- over 45,000 meet cans
-over 300,000 yogurts
STOP Hunger initiative
Through its STOP Hunger initiative, Sodexo fights hunger and malnutrition in all the countries where it operates. In Romania, STOP Hunger activities are implemented since 2003.