Sodexo profile

Our positioning in the services industry is original and unique. It is what makes our brand different. In combining the diverse talents of our teams, Sodexo is the only company to integrate a complete offer of innovative services, based on over 100 professions.

Sodexo Romania is part of Sodexo Group, the world’s leading Quality of Life Services.

Meal Pass at restaurant

Since 1998 Sodexo Romania has been offering comprehensive Benefits & Rewards Services

Employee Benefits: Gusto Pass meal vouchers, Cadou Pass gift vouchers, Primul Pass nursery vouchers, sport card 7card, holiday vouchers Turist Pass

Incentives & Recognition: Smart Pass incentive vouchers,  IncentiWise programmes

Public Benefits: solutions for social programs implementation: Viva Pass social vouchers, kindergarten vouchers Social Pass.

Starting 2010 we offer  On-site Services on the Romanian market. We can provide companies and institutions with Solutions for: 
- Catering
- Building maintenance
- Cleaning services, as well as other Solutions aimed at improving the Quality of Daily Life.

Through our perseverance and commitment to exceptional quality, we have established the Sodexo brand as the market leader in Romania. Our growing list of distinguished clients is testimony to the growing confidence in our brand today.

Discover STOP Hunger Association activities in Romania

STOP Hunger logo (130x105)Discover Stop Hunger activities initiated in Romania in 2003 and implemented in partnership with STOP Hunger Association.

Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services is an authorized vouchers issuer

Copy of Sodexo Awards website 
Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Services is authorized by Ministry of Finance to issue vouchers. Download the authorisations:

Authorisation to issue meal vouchers

Authorisation to issue  electronic meal vouchers

Authorisation to issue gift vouchers 

Authorisation to issue nursery vouchers

Authorisation to issue social vouchers for kindergarten