Clinical technology management

Patient welfare and treatment depends on the ongoing management and upkeep of thousands of pieces of clinical, biomedical and diagnostic equipment in a hospital. Sodexo’s technical professionals ensure that critical medical equipment is always performing at peak efficiency.

hospital maintenance

Patient welfare and treatment depends on the ongoing management and upkeep of thousands of pieces of clinical, biomedical and diagnostic equipment in a hospital. Sodexo’s technical professionals ensure that critical medical equipment is always performing at peak efficiency.


Maintaining clinical equipment

Maintaining sophisticated monitoring devices, scanners and MRI machines requires genuine expertise. Our objective is simple: to limit machine downtime so that medical teams can deliver quality service without interruption while controlling costs.

In countries such as the United States, Thailand and Germany, Sodexo teams have already achieved convincing results with perfectly calibrated maintenance programs.

More services

24 / 7 maintenance interventions

Hospitals have to be able to plan for capital improvements instead of reacting to problems. In addition, they need to keep daily...

Key figures

3,276 million euro in revenues  

18% of Group revenues  

64,662 employees 

3,946 sites

(Source: Sodexo, FY 2013, Health Care services)