Woman in wheelchair working at home

A day without explanation - the future of disability inclusion?

Published on : 11/30/20
  • How can employers and service providers proactively support disabled people? In a seminal research project, carried out with PurpleSpace, we sought to understand the perspectives of people who have lived experience of disability.

    This research helps us to undersand the challenges faced by people with a visible or hidden disability, and the solutions provided to create inclusive environments. 

    The report, A day without explanation - the future of disability inclusion?, shows that there is more to be done by employers and service providers through the eyes of employees and customers and reinforces the need for organisations to proactively support disabled people.

    Above all, the disability inclusion report demonstrates the need for clear expectations on both sides and to take the onus off those with personal experience of disabilities having to continually ask for ‘help’ while working for their employer or when buying a product or receiving a service from an organisation.

    Download the report to find out more about the experiences of people living with disabilities, and to help you consider how you can support your employees and customers with disabilities so they can look forward to a day without explanation.