Strengthening relationships of clients and Indigenous communities

Rosemary-DimerMeet Rosemary Dimer

“I am a Wongkutha woman from the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
I commenced working at Sodexo as a Kitchen Hand and Dining Room Attendant. I have always been passionate about Safety, and after graduating with a Certificate IV in Safety and Health, I now work full time as Sodexo’s first Aboriginal HSEQ Advisor.”


Many clients in remote settings are operating on land that is owned by Indigenous communities. At Sodexo, we are guided by the overarching objectives of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which outlines practical actions the organisation undertakes to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Sodexo’s RAP is built on the principles of equality and self-determination which underpin the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our commitment to reconciliation is driven by meaningful partnerships with Indigenous employees and individuals for mutually beneficial outcomes.

The Sodexo Indigenous Assessment Panel meets regularly to assess individual Indigenous job applicants who do not meet initial entry requirements. The Panel offers a six-week exercise, nutrition and wellbeing program to Indigenous applicants who do not meet health and fitness requirements and offers a second chance at employment upon successful completion of the program. The program is at no cost to participants and is delivered by a qualified and accredited exercise professional, with the support of a Registered Nurse, Dietitian and Physiotherapist.

Sodexo also offers cross-cultural training to ensure Executive and Management Teams are proactive contributors to the priorities of Sodexo’s RAP and to enhance our employees’ respect for cultural diversity.

These opportunities for local and Aboriginal communities, mean employees can stay in their communities while maintaining meaningful employment. Sodexo’s Indigenous employment has grown from 40 in 2010 to 280 at the beginning of 2013.

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Supporting local and Indigenous businesses

Our clients often strive to support local and Indigenous business within communities they operate in and we fully support sourcing product and service providers.

Recruiting and training

We work in partnership with local institutions and NGOs to hire and train local personnel. Rio Tinto Iron Ore awarded us the Australian Indigenous Engagement Award in 2012, with an Indigenous workforce growing from 40 in 2009 to 180 in 2011, at various levels of the organisation.

Unique collaboration celebrates Noongar culture

Sodexo recently partnered with CAN WA and Newmont Boddington Gold to deliver a community and public art project to honour Noongar culture, heritage and country.

RAP Elevate 2015 - 2017

RAP Elevate cover

Boddington's unique history

Boddington has a rich history and the mine is built on Gnaala Karla Boodja (GKB) country. While the mine was under construction, the client engaged in negotiations with the traditional owner group, the GKB, and agreed on a set of actions all parties would work towards achieving during the life of the mine. This is called the GKB Employment and Economic Development Agreement (GKB EEDA). As a service provider on site, Sodexo willingly inherits the responsibilities associated with the EEDA. There is mutual respect between the GKB, Sodexo and the client with this venture creating employment, training and business enterprise opportunities for the GKB while respecting their cultural and social practices.