Supporting local and Indigenous businesses

Indigenous employeeOur clients often strive to support local and indigenous business within communities they operate in. We fully support our clients in sourcing local food and beverage produce and service providers. We aim to identify, source and establish products and services required to support the growth of local businesses and community sustainability.

Our clients are assured that Sodexo is committed to supporting each of them in building relationships with local communities and businesses. Sodexo's own commitment to corporate responsibility, Better Tomorrow Plan, emphasises the importance of establishing good working relationships between our clients and local and indigenous communities.

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Stengthening relationships between our clients and Indigenous communities

At Sodexo, we are guided by the overarching objectives of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which outlines practical actions the organisation undertakes to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Recruiting and Training

We work in partnership with local institutions and NGOs to hire and train local personnel. Rio Tinto Iron Ore awarded us the Australian Indigenous Engagement Award in 2012, with an Indigenous workforce growing from 40 in 2009 to 180 in 2011, at various levels of the organisation.

Contact us

icon-phone1800 SODEXO

icon-envelopeNew Business Enquiries
Sodexo National Support Centre
Level 8
607 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004 

Sodexo Proud partner of Kuditj



Kuditj is the only Noongar owned and operated catering facility in Perth, located in a culturally significant to the Traditional Owners of Perth, the Noongar Wadjuk Aboriginal people. 


Through PEEDAC, Perth Employment and Economic Development Aboriginal Corporation, Sodexo fosters business sustainability through commercial focus while supporting cultural empowerment at Kuditj, demonstrating a strong level of commitment to our RAP priorities through the provision of opportunities for employment, training and development and supply chain diversity with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners.


RAP Elevate 2015 - 2017

RAP Elevate cover