Benefits and Rewards Services

Benefits and Rewards Services (formerly Motivation Solutions) provide access to a wide range of services that improves the quality of life of beneficiaries: employees, citizens and students… Because they improve daily life, promote work-life balance and recognize effort, our solutions have a positive impact on employee motivation and contribute to improving the performance of companies and organizations.

In a highly competitive environment, the ability to attract and retain talented people is essential for every public and private organization, regardless of size or market. Knowing how to motivate employees can provide companies with a true competitive edge.

Customized solutions

Our Employee Benefits help companies optimize their HR strategy through customized, economically and fiscally beneficial responses, enabling them to increase their attractiveness.

The Meal Pass ensures a varied and quality diet. The Mobility Pass helps with the costs for commuting to work. The Eco Pass promotes the purchase of environmentally friendly products. All of our Employee Benefits offering contribute to improving employees’ daily life, promote work-life balance and allow them concentrate fully on their work.

Adapting to the needs of our beneficiaries

We provide special privileges that vary according to users’ needs and habits, including vouchers, cards, Internet access and company cell phones. Our offers may also include gift boxes, gift catalogues, concierge services and other benefits, thanks to our broad network of partners, carefully selected (leisure, catering, etc.).

Improving Quality of Life for Grupo É-OURO employees

Improving Quality of Life for Grupo É-OURO employees

Grupo É-OURO, with 150 distributors in 13 Brazilian states, is the official distributor of Grupo Petrópolis brewery. Its best known brands are Itaipava beer and Crystal beer. Premium line brands include Petra, Black Princess and TNT energy drink.

Our client’s needs

To support its quest to become Brazil’s market leader, beverage distributor Grupo É-OURO sought to increase engagement and productivity of its 10,000 employees through improved Quality of Life.

Sodexo’s response

Partnering with the client’s HR department, Sodexo created a customized program combining its Meal, Food and Gift Pass offers and emphasizing better health and well-being. The strategy includes a nutritional program, monthly workshops on “Conversations on Well Being” and a recognition program for employees. To promote Quality of Life internally, the HR department is using a Sodexo study on “Valuing people to create value.”


The positive response is reflected in high participation employee levels in the offer. For example, 150 employees diagnosed as overweight or as being predisposed to diabetes or hypertension are enrolled in a support program led by Sodexo dietitians.

Optimizing management of employee mealtimes

Meal Pass 
In China, through Meal Pass, Sodexo is now ensuring the efficient management of workday meals for employees of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd and its subsidiaries. Sodexo’s offer helps the client optimize management of employee mealtimes while also helping to improve administrative processes and reduce costs.

Community-wide benefits

In providing restaurant vouchers for 8,000 employees of the city of Lyons, France, Sodexo relies on local businesses in helping to provide jobs for people with disabilities in partnership with employment agency ESAT, which also assists Sodexo On-site Services. This new contract reinforces Sodexo’s commitment to offer services tailored to support the policies of local authorities.

Eco Pass

Eco PassIn Belgium, Sodexo helps companies subsidize ecological expenses paid by their employees.


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