Benefits and Rewards Services

Benefits and Rewards Services (formerly Motivation Solutions) provide access to a wide range of services that improves the quality of life of beneficiaries: employees, citizens and students… Because they improve daily life, promote work-life balance and recognize effort, our solutions have a positive impact on employee motivation and contribute to improving the performance of companies and organizations.

As companies strive for high performance, they must be able to count on the commitment of their employees.

Our Incentives and Recognition programs enable clients to achieve quantitative or qualitative objectives such as boosting sales, building team spirit, managing a partner network or encouraging the respect of safety procedures on their sites.

With access to a wide range of options through our Gift Pass and our on-line platforms, Incentives and Recognition programs enable clients to easily and effectively manage initiatives to stimulate performance, motivate teams, recognize and reward commitment. These services contribute to motivating teams by recognizing and rewarding their commitment and strengthening their sense of belonging. In so doing, they help companies achieve their goals and stimulate performance.

Reinforcing  Alcatel–Lucent employee engagement

Reinforcing Alcatel–Lucent employee engagement

Alcatel-Lucent, a leader in mobile, fixed, IP and Optics technologies, and a pioneer in applications and services, is the single largest supplier of digital switching in India with over 50% of market share.

Our client’s needs

To encourage, reinforce and promote behavior supporting Alcatel Lucent values*, the company wanted to put in place a recognition program for individuals and teams, with multiple levels of reward based on significance of contribution.

Sodexo’s response

To help its client achieve its objectives, Sodexo provided an online rewards catalogue, providing employees with reward points, which offers them the freedom of choice to choose their own gift. In addition, employees have a clear picture of their performance and can track their reward redemptions via the Sodexo-provided technology platform. They also receive regular communications about the program and a call center is available to respond to their inquiries.


After the first 18 months, employees had a positive response, appreciating in particular the program’s flexibility and responsiveness. In addition to the boost to employee motivation, the client appreciated the improved efficiency made possible by Sodexo’s program.
*Customers first, Innovation, Teamwork, Respect, Accountability

Helping an automotive company reinforce dealer loyalty

Online gift catalogue
In Belgium, Sodexo designed and rapidly deployed a web platform with an online gift catalogue for an automotive client, enabling the company to strengthen connections with its more than 170 tire dealers and reward their loyalty. The platform, which facilitates goal setting, updating of results and use of earned points to buy gifts, is already having a positive impact on dealer loyalty.

Gift Pass

Gift PassIn China, Sodexo offers its corporate clients a Gift Pass to motivate their employees by giving them the freedom to choose gifts from a variety of affiliate sectors – dining, education and leisure.


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