
Sodexo is the community of its clients, consumers, employees and shareholders. We recognize that the best way to respond to the expectations of all of our stakeholders is through steady growth. We also believe it is important that our work is meaningful to all who contribute to it and thus we remain faithful to our mission, our core values and the ethical principles that have guided us since 1966.

45 years of continuous growth

Founded by Pierre Bellon in 1966, Sodexo developed from a small family business in Marseilles, France into the worldwide leader in quality of daily life services in four decades. The recipe for our success is well known: our focus on organic growth, our client-centered approach and a unique company culture shared by all our employees.

From “Sodexho” to “Sodexo”

In 1966, Pierre Bellon founded the company under the name “Sodexho” (for Société d’Exploitation Hôtelière”). In 2000, the name of the company changed to “Sodexho Alliance” as it had made three major acquisitions to strengthen its international network (Gardner Merchant in the United Kingdom, Partena in the Scandinavian countries and Marriott Management Services in North America). The word “Alliance” was then dropped in 2006 and, in 2008, Sodexho simplified the spelling of its name to “Sodexo”.

  • 1966
    1966 Pierre Bellon founds Sodexho, a company specializing in providing Foodservices to institutions, businesses, schools and hospitals, in Marseilles (France).
  • 1967
    1967 CNES, in French Guiana, awards Sodexho a contract in the “multiservices” market, signaling its entry into the remote site management business.
  • 1971-78
    1971-78 International expansion starts with Belgium, Italy and Spain, with developments in Africa and the Middle East. A new business (Service Vouchers) is launched in Belgium.
  • 1983
    1983 Initial public offering of Sodexho shares on the Paris Stock Exchange.
  • 1985-93
    1985-93 Sodexho establishes operations in North and South America, Japan, Russia and South Africa, and reinforces its presence in Continental Europe.
  • 1995
    1995 Acquisitions of Gardner Merchant in the United Kingdom and Partena in Sweden, the then leaders in Foodservices in their respective countries.
  • 1996
    1996 Opening of the Service Vouchers and Cards business in Brazil, following the acquisition of Cardàpio.
  • 1998
    1998 The merger of the Foodservice operations of Marriott International and Sodexho and the formation in the U.S. of Sodexho Marriott Services, 48.4% owned by Sodexho, which becomes North American market and global leader in Food and Facilities Management services.
  • 2000
    2000 Albert George named Chief Operating Officer of Sodexho. Sodexho becomes the world leader in remotes sites management.
  • 2001
    2001 Sogerès (France) and Wood Dining Services (United States) join the Group. Sodexho acquires 53% of the share capital of Sodexho Marriott Services.
  • 2005
    2005 Michel Landel becomes the Group's Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Pierre Bellon, who retains his role as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
  • 2006
    2006 40 years after the company’s creation, CEO Michel Landel launches a new challenge for the Group: “Become the global expert in Quality of Life services.”
  • 2008
    2008 Sodexho Alliance becomes Sodexo and makes several acquisitions. Acquisition of VR’s Service Vouchers and Cards activity making Sodexo the co-leader of this market in Brazil, the world’s largest. Sodexo makes several further acquisitions in several markets, including Zehnacker, which doubles Sodexo’s size in Germany, making it the leader in the country’s Health Care market.
  • 2009
    2009 Sodexo presents its new strategic positioning, the new name of its activities (Food and Facilities Management Services becomes On-site Services Solutions and Service Vouchers and Cards becomes Motivation Solutions) and launches a third activity: Personal and Home Services
  • 2011
    2011 Sodexo becomes N°1 in On-site Services in Brazil following the acquisition of Puras do Brasil. The acquisition of Lenôtre, one of the greatest names in French cuisine, strengthens Sodexo’s savoir faire in luxury gastronomy in Paris and worldwide.

2012-2013 HIGHLIGHTS

Discover in 3 minutes Sodexo’s Quality of Life services, its commitments, its achievements, and the Fiscal 2013 key figures.
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