Non-Organic Waste

We will reduce non-organic waste in all the countries where we operate and at clients’ sites by 2015. We will support initiatives to recover non organic waste.

NonOrganic Waste

Why Does Sodexo Engage?

When you compare the ecological footprint of countries with the human development index it becomes very obvious that we have a development path which successfully takes countries out of poverty but it is at the expense of the planet.

How Does Sodexo Engage?

By encouraging and empowering our teams, clients and consumers to reduce waste and recycle more, we reduce the amount of raw materials used, saving them for future generations.

More commitments on natural resource consumption:

Energy and Emissions

Reducing emissions linked to climate change is important for our clients, consumers, and communities as well as for the environment.

Water and Effluents

We are aware of and working to reduce the community and business impacts associated with water scarcity.

Organic Waste

The Earth produces enough food for everyone to have enough to eat, yet one third of the food produced for human consumption is never eaten and one in five people around the world are at risk of hunger on a daily basis.



of sites implementing equipment and process steps to reduce their non-organic waste.

Sodexo Fiscal Year 2016

Greening Green Power

El Green Power is one of the emblematic clean and renewable energy generation projects in Chile. Sodexo partners with them to provide environmentally sustainable services including recycling cooking oil from the kitchen, and the separation, proper handling and recycling of both organic and non-organic waste.

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact the Group Corporate Responsibility Team by email.