More commitments on natural resource consumption:

Energy and Emissions

Reducing emissions linked to climate change is important for our clients, consumers, and communities as well as for the environment.

Water and Effluents

We are aware of and working to reduce the community and business impacts associated with water scarcity.

Non-Organic Waste

When you compare the ecological footprint with the human development index it is very obvious that we have a development path which requires more resources than we have available to us.



Sodexo’s global initiative that allows our teams to collect, measure and track the amount of food wasted in preproduction (such as food that is prepared and cooked but not plated) as well as identify ways to reduce wastage.


of sites implementing equipment and process steps to reduce their organic waste.

Sodexo Fiscal Year 2016

Contact Us

Do you want more information about our corporate responsibility efforts and/or the Better Tomorrow Plan? Contact the Group Corporate Responsibility Team by email.