Health and well-being

chefs preparing lunch

Rising malnutrition and obesity are global concerns in both developed and emerging countries. Sodexo is a major supporter of the many efforts to curb these public health crises across the world, emphasizing the importance of good nutrition and physical activity.


Fighting obesity

Children that are obese at age 6 have a 90% chance of being obese as an adult, underlining the importance of teaching children at an early age to make healthy choices for a varied and balanced diet.

Sodexo provides support for educational efforts in the classroom and the cafeteria to teach students about the importance of physical activity through signage programs and organized wellness activities.

Sodexo is especially proud to be an active partner in the “Let’s Move” initiative led by US First Lady Michelle Obama to end childhood obesity in a generation.

Helping children and young adults make wise food choices

School time not only offers opportunities for providing information on healthy eating, it also a time when students can be exposed to new flavors, products and cultures… Sodexo contributes to this fundamental learning in schools around the world.

In France, Cuisto Rigolo focuses on developing the taste of children between the ages of 3 and 6 through simple recipes created especially for them. For children between the ages of 7 and 12, the program introduces new products and new culinary creations to help educate and expand their palates.

In China, at the Western Academy of Beijing, we prepare meals for 950 students from 54 countries. We offer a range of menu options and recipes designed to meet the diverse needs of the student population  with a variety of international cuisines. These options afford important educational opportunities outside the classroom on cultural awareness and diversity learning.

In United Kingdom, Sodexo started to provide schools across the United Kingdom with grow-your-own kitchen gardens in partnership with Rocket Gardens, a supplier of organic vegetable and herb plants. Schools receive a box full of baby organic vegetables, fruit and herb plants ready to be gardened. It is a fun and effective way to encourage people to question where the food they eat comes from. With 50 schools gardens today, the project will expand to benefit more than 200 schools within the next months.

Fore more information download the "School Kitchen gardens project" case study

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Key figures

3,798 million euro in revenues

21% of Group revenues

94,597 employees

5,642 sites

(Source: Sodexo, FY 2013, Education services)