Our awards

Sodexo is regularly awarded prizes and international recognition for its initiatives in a variety of areas ranging from services to human resources and environmental protection.

The rating and ranking process helps us to focus on continuous improvement, increasing our positive impact on Quality of Life.

Rating agencies

The mission of rating agencies is to evaluate companies’ social, society, environmental performance and their corporate governance. The methodologies and analysis vary by agency Sodexo focusses on those that have been found to be the most comprehensive, robust, accurate and credible with our stakeholders. The ratings, rankings and awards help to inform investment decisions, consumer purchases, individuals to select employers and companies to choose partners with whom to do business.


Each agency develops its specific criteria of assessment:

  • Ethics and Human Rights,
  • Management of Human Resources,
  • The societal and social impact,
  • The impact on the environment and measures taken to remedy this,
  • Corporate governance,
  • Relationships with clients,
  • Suppliers and subcontractors,
  • And relations with all the stakeholders.

Each criterion is evaluated according to 3 aspects:

  • Strategy and company policies,
  • Their implementation,
  • Performance obtained.

References and rankings

The criteria attached to each subject are based on framework published by international organizations like the UN, ILO and OECD. Companies are ranked by industry sector.

SRI Indices (Socially Responsible Investment)

The major extra-financial rating agencies have developed partnerships with indices to create SRI indices gathering companies that get top marks.

Sodexo’s rankings*

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*Sodexo has carefully selected the rankings and ratings that it pursues, focusing those that:

  • Reflect the highest global standards and scope,
  • Have the highest credibility among our key stakeholders.

2014-2015 HIGHLIGHTS

Discover in 2 minutes Sodexo’s Highlights of Fiscal 2015.


RobecoSAM 2015 (Homepage block)

Sodexo, world leader in Quality of Life Services, has been named the top rated company in its sector on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the 13th consecutive year, reinforcing the company’s leadership and commitment to corporate responsibility worldwide. DJSI award 2017