Health and Safety

Health and Safety

At Sodexo, nothing is more important to us than the Health and Safety of all our clients, consumers, employees, contractors and visitors. We are committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment to all that enter our premises or may be affected by our operations. In September 2012, the Group CEO and other senior management members showed their commitment to Health and Safety by signing the new Sodexo Global Health and Safety Policy. This policy clearly shows senior managements’ commitment to Health and Safety and making it a priority and a condition of employment.

Health and Safety is an integral part of Sodexo’s mission to improve Quality of Daily Life. Sodexo is committed to achieving a global health and safety culture and world class health and safety performance. We believe that integrating health and safety into everything we do will minimize risk to people and property.

Our Safety Strategy is founded on five key dimensions:

Standards & Systems - We apply International Standards and Industry benchmarks for safety and maintain integrated, quality systems to capture and validate safety information.

Governance -  We set and publish ceilings for safety performance across all sites, investigate all incidents and report outcomes against ceilings.

Accountability - We insist that our employees be accountable for their own safety and for the safety of those around them. We act quickly to recognise good performance and to seek remedies when incidents occur to prevent recurrence.

Prepare & Support - We position safety at the core of workplace planning and staff development and training, ensuring each employee understands their responsibilities. We use a behavioural based safety approach to engagement of our employees and enhance our safety culture.

Visibility - We maintain the visibility of safety in our Company through our safety communications, manuals and signage and via innovative programs to increase vigilance to safe practices.
Our Safety Culture, reinforced by a mind-set of thinking safe and active behavioural safety brings a new level of professionalism that ensures our ability to remain effective and innovative as a service provider.
Safety improvement is a constant journey that involves changing and enhancing mind-sets.

To ensure that all our employees adopt a culture of safety, each incident and accident is reported and an appropriate Safety Alert or Safety Awareness Newsletter is distributed. This newsletter describes the accident, the root causes as well as the preventative actions to avoid a future similar incident. We believe that there are great lessons to be learned from someone else’s mishap. To further enhance our Safety Culture, each site conducts a daily 5 minute safety talk during which accidents are discussed, or basic safety rules and actions are discussed.

On 23 November 2017 Site Managers signed a pledge to show their commitment to Health and Safety and to continue to deliver services that improve the Quality of Life to all our clients, customers and employees by make sure they go home safe every day.

Safety Campaigns like “Have a safe day” and “3-2-1 Zero”  encourages and enables everyone at Sodexo to have meaningful conversations about the importance of integrating safety into everything we do. We want employees to understand that as well as improving quality of life for our customers and clients, we need to protect our own comfort, safety and wellbeing while at work.

"Have a Safe Day” is the global symbol of Sodexo Health and Safety Culture.

Food Safety Champions

Due to technical glitches the image might take some time to displaySodexo has launched the first global food safety standards:  Starting with  10 simple rules aimed at front-line teams to raise awareness and provide absolute clarity about our food safety fundamentals. Remember, we are all responsible for our personal safety and for the safety of our consumers!

SALUS : our global Health and Safety platform

Salus is Sodexo's global, multi-lingual, web-based platform, where our people around the world share experiences to improve health and safety. 

Corporate Responsibility Publications

FY 2013 Corporate Responsibility Publications (240x120) 
Sodexo publishes documents that present its Corporate Responsibility strategy and performance to its stakeholders:
>Fiscal 2013 Publications