Sodexo Stories

Service spirit, team spirit, spirit of progress... Around the world, our 428,000 employees embody our values ​on a daily basis. Their professionalism, engagement and pride in their work are the keys to our collective success. By sharing their dreams, careers and lives at Sodexo, these employees from very different backgrounds offer you a chance to discover our business from the inside.

People Development:  We are committed to providing employees with all the means to grow and develop throughout their career.
In 2013, 30 of our most talented and up and coming employees were selected to take part in a National Learnership Program that will see them obtaining a National Certificate in Supervisory Management, accredited and recognized as per the National Qualifications Framework.
March 2013 saw the launch of e-Learning whereby all supervisory and managerial employees have access to over 500 course modules done via an e-Learning Platform. The course modules can be completed at the employee’s own pace and fit into a busy schedule. Some of the modules include how to create a vision, time management as well as better decision making skills. Most modules were created by Sodexo employees, for Sodexo employees.

Servathon 2014 - South Africa

Servathon 2014 - South Africa

Thursday 5 June 2014 was a very special day for the elderly in the rural village of Embo, situated just outside Durban in KwaZulu Natal. They were selected to be the beneficiaries of Sodexo South Africa’s 2014 Stop Hunger Servathon.