
We are committed to 4 key areas of concern: the Supply Chain code of conduct; local, seasonal and sustainably grown products; sustainable fish and seafood; and sustainable equipment and supplies

Non Organic waste

Non Organic waste

We will reduce non organic waste in all the countries where we operate and at clients' sites by 2015. We will continue to support initiatives to recover non organic waste.

We will reduce non-organic waste in all the countries where we operate and at clients’ sites by 2015. We will support initiatives to recover non organic waste.

We encourage the implementation of recycling programs for the service vouchers issued by Sodexo. Today, 95% of issued vouchers are recycled in 19 countries. Furthermore, the Group selects more environmentally friendly paper suppliers for voucher production.

Since June 2013, Sodexo started to discontinue the usual bottles of mineral water that is sold on some of our sites, and started supporting the “Bottles to Build Schools” Project. The specially designed plastic bottles fit into one another and are then used as the building blocks to build classrooms in under privileged communities.

In 2010 Sodexo introduced an alternative disposable cup for beverages on our sites. This cup is fully recyclable and will decompose fully in just over 40 days

Organic waste

Organic waste

We will reduce organic waste in all the countries where we operate and at all of our clients' sites by 2015. We will support initiatives to recover organic waste. Of our total waste, 95% consists of organic waste and packaging materials. For that reason, we are supporting a number of initiatives to recover these wastes.

We will reduce organic waste in all the countries where we operate and at clients’ sites by 2015. We will support initiatives to recover organic waste.

  • Every year during October we have a WasteLESS week. During this week, our employees and consumers are made aware of the amount of waste generated through production and plate left-overs. During these initiatives, site managers are encouraged to physically measure and weigh their kitchen waste during the year, and then make a concerted effort to reduce it. During October 2013 WasteLESS week, our sites managed to reduce their overall kitchen waste by an incredible 30%.

  • On some of our sites we have introduced the Bokashi composting system for organic waste. The sites making use of the Bokhasi bins are now in a position to supply our clients with compost for the site’s gardens.

  • At one of our sites, African Leadership Academy, some students came up with an idea to create a vegetable garden, using the compost generated through the Bokhasi system on-site. Sodexo assisted the students by purchasing the initial plants and supply them with regular compost. In January 2014, the vegetable garden, called “Agrinovation”, was officially opened with a little mini market selling the first crop of vegetables harvested.

Read the case study Stop Wasting Food

Local, seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products

Local, seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products

We will source local, seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products in all the countries where we operate by 2015.

Red tractor

We will source local, seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products in all the countries where we operate by 2015

100% of all our raw materials needed to provide our services on all the sites we operate are sourced within South Africa. All of our site managers are also encouraged to purchase products that are seasonal.

We have started to discontinue the use of Sunflower Oil on our sites and are converting to Palm Oil which is a more sustainable product.

Sustainable fish and seafood

Sustainable fish and seafood

We will source sustainable fish and seafood in all the countries where we operate by 2015. In the last 30 years, the consumption of fish and seafood has tripled. Overfishing could result in the extinction of certain species. It is estimated that 75% of fish reserves in operation today are overfished.

We will source sustainable fish and seafood in all the countries where we operate by 2015.

All fish and seafood that are classed as red or orange on the WWF and SASSI guides have been discontinued from our supply chain and site managers can only purchase fish and seafood that is sustainable and classed as green.

Preference is also given to fish and seafood products that are Certified Sustainable Seafood as per the Marine Stewardship Council.

Every November during World Oceans Day, we have programs on our sites that inform and educate our consumers on sustainable seafood choices.

In several countries, we work with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) on our sourcing and in some cases for the certification of our sites. In the Netherlands, Sodexo was the first foodservices company to obtain the MSC ecolabel and certification in April 2009. In the UK, Sodexo is the leading contract caterer for MSC-certified sites, with 1,000 sites certified by late 2010 and it plans to roll out this program across the business. Sodexo serves 123 tons of wild MSC fish per year and was the first foodservice company to achieve MSC certification at all of its sites in 2009.

Read the Group Sustainable Seafood Policy
Read the case study Sustainable Seafood
More on Sustainable Seafood

Best Companies for Hourly Workers

Copy of Canada's Greenest Employers 2012For the fourth year running, Working Mother magazine named Sodexo one of the “Best Companies for Hourly Workers” for 2012, awarding those employers that have the best policies and programs for promoting women and a dynamic work life culture.
More about the award