Our approach
Sodexo believes in social justice. We are against racism and discrimination in all their forms. Sodexo is both proud of the work we’ve done to date to address biases and racism and ethnic relations, but we are very aware that we also have much more work to do. The entire organization is working through tangible actions we can take in addition to important conversations we are requiring our entire team to have.
Our goal is to model inclusion and refuse to be bystanders. We have created safe spaces for all voices to be heard, and we will continue to engage in open and honest conversations that will facilitate the change we want to see in the world and will strengthen our culture of inclusion so that everyone can thrive.
We want to foster an inclusive culture by:
- Having a zero-tolerance policy against racism in our organization
- Addressing unconscious biases
- Ensuring the fair treatment of all our employees.
- Raising awareness, fostering respect and understanding differences
- Developing Employee Resources Business Groups to support minorities by creating safe spaces for mentoring, addressing issues and recommending change in our workplace.
- Empowering local minorities by partnering with local businesses to create opportunities for all
Client engagement on ethnicity and racism
We organize client events to discuss the difficult topic of race and ethnicity in the workplace.
The objective of these webinars is to:
- Raise awareness that a culture of inclusion is more important than ever in the current crisis, thus reinforcing our message that “#InclusionNeverStops”
- Highlight the risk of “going backwards” on D,E&I achievements as companies work in crisis mode; reinforce the importance of considering the long term and not being governed by fear
- Help participants feel comfortable talking about race and ethnicity and help remove any “barriers” to open dialogue
- Benchmark and gather best practices from external companies; address common challenges & prepare for a “new normal” that is inclusive of diverse needs
Sodexo stands with the BlackLivesMatter movement in the U.S. and around the world. Racism is a pervasive issue that hurts and prevents many people, including our own employees, clients and the consumers we serve around the world, from living in a safe and free world. Sodexo, like many businesses, demonstrated its abhorrence for the disproportionate treatment of African Americans and the need for a cultural transformation.
“We want to promote a culture of discussion that's self-reflective and inclusive across the Sodexo organization. These conversations are not easy or comfortable but are necessary for capturing unconscious biases and changing our collective behaviors toward each other”.


Magic as in SodexoMAGIC
SodexoMAGIC champions supplier diversity, economic development and sustainability. As a minority-owned business, SodexoMAGIC promises to empower the communities we serve by offering best-in-class food and facilities management services that create a positive impact and make a difference in the lives of our clients and customers.

Employee business resource groups
Four U.S. Employee business resource groups (EBRGs) aligned with Cultures & Origins foster a culture of inclusion and provide networking, learning and developmental opportunities: African American Leadership Forum (AALF), Pan Asian Network Group (PANG), Native American Aboriginal Council (NAAC), Sodexo Organization of Latinos (SOL).

Reconciliation Action Plan
We have established our Reconciliation Action Plan to drive reconciliation with local indigenous communities near our client sites. We know that opportunities, relationships and respect are required to deliver outstanding, measurable and meaningful outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities.

Providing refugees with their first opportunity is the least we can do to improve their livelihoods and help them become part of their host community. Sodexo was the first food service company to join the Tent Partnership for Refugees in 2018. By offering job opportunities to refugees, Sodexo is supporting refugees as they integrate into their host communities and become self-sufficient.