How we do business

Founded in 1966 by Pierre Bellon, Sodexo has more than 420,000 employees worldwide. The Group’s development is built on fundamentals that unite our teams and give Sodexo its unique personality. These fundamentals are expressed through our values and ethical principles. More on our fundamentals.

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Since its foundation by Pierre Bellon, Sodexo has endeavored in its activities to comply with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labor Organization principles. Though governments have the primary responsibility for promoting, respecting and protecting Human Rights, the Sodexo Group, as an international company present in 80 countries, recognizes its own responsibility to promote and guarantee human rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Sodexo adheres to the principles

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Find out more on our commitments 

Discover STOP Hunger Association activities in Romania

STOP Hunger logo (130x105)Discover Stop Hunger activities initiated in Romania in 2003 and implemented in partnership with STOP Hunger Association.

Sodexo Benefits & Rewards Romania

Legal name: Sodexo Pass Romania SRL

Identification data:
Registration with the Registrar of Companies under No. J40/9678/1998
VAT ID: RO11071295.
Share capital: 11,045,350 lei
Bank account number: RO20 CITI 0000 0007 2484 9016
Bank: CITIBANK Europe plc, Dublin - Romania Branch