How we do business

Founded in 1966 by Pierre Bellon, Sodexo has more than 420,000 employees worldwide. The Group’s development is built on fundamentals that unite our teams and give Sodexo its unique personality. These fundamentals are expressed through our values and ethical principles. More on our fundamentals.

Group Health and Safety Policy

Group Health and Safety Policy

The principles set out in our Group Health and Safety Policy define our expectations and guide our actions.

We are committed to providing working conditions and client services that are safe and healthy.  Sodexo’s values of team spirit, service spirit and spirit of progress are the foundation of Sodexo’s health and safety culture. Our senior leadership and all employees are expected to personally demonstrate their commitment to support and improve our health and safety culture.

The engagement of our employees, clients, contractors, customers and suppliers is also essential to improve safety behaviors and practices and to achieve this we communicate and consult widely on health and safety matters. 




Sodexo’s global health and safety management system is designed to ensure safe and healthy services and a safe and healthy workplace.

  • In-house induction programs for all new hires to help them discover Sodexo’s services and operational standards

  • Individual and collective training within the framework of the locally defined annual plans
    Personalized development support: mentoring for managers, tutoring for new hires, “buddy system” between experts and beginners

  • Programs that lead to recognized qualifications such as training programs to become site manager



Given Sodexo’s global scale and the wide range of Quality of Life services provided, technology is essential for our teams to collaborate.

  • In-house induction programs for all new hires to help them discover Sodexo’s services and operational standards
  • Individual and collective training within the framework of the locally defined annual plans
    Personalized development support: mentoring for managers, tutoring for new hires, “buddy system” between experts and beginners
  • Programs that lead to recognized qualifications such as training programs to become site manager


Corporate Responsibility Publications

FY 2013 Corporate Responsibility Publications (240x120) 
Sodexo publishes documents that present its Corporate Responsibility strategy and performance to its stakeholders:
>Fiscal 2013 Publications

Head office address

SODEXO Southern Africa (Head office) 
The Pines Building
The Avenue Office Park 
45 Homestead Road
Rivonia, 2128

Tel: +27 (0)11 803 6600

The Better Tomorrow Plan

Better Tomorrow Plan (135x150)

Sodexo is committed to sustainable development and has defined a worldwide roadmap: The Better Tomorrow Plan.