Strengthening relationships and supporting cultures

Focus: Working together to build an inclusive business that embraces, supports, extends, values and celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and relationships.

Sodexo places a high priority on developing and nurturing lasting and respectful relationships with individuals and communities. We acknowledge that strong cultures, languages and identity are the foundations of a prosperous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Our continuing support of these communities nation wide, our participation of National Reconciliation Week, showcasing NAIDOC Week and the Journey to Reconciliation are demonstrations of our commitments to Relationships and Respect.

We continue to strengthen community relationships and provide ongoing support to the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This is the cornerstone of our second RAP Elevate and it presents us with the strongest opportunity for real and sustainable change yet.

Our areas of key focus are (click 'Learn More' for a list of our future commitments):

Workforce education

Continued education of our executives, management and employees to increase awareness, insight and respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. Build greater understanding, acceptance and celebration of the power of diversity within the workplace.

  • All Sodexo’s Australian Executive Team Members will attend Cultural Awareness Training (face to face and on country through cultural emersion activities) 
  • All staff that direct reports to the Australian Executive Team will attend Cultural Awareness Training (face to face)
  • Cultural Awareness Training mandatory component of online pre-employment induction for 100% of new employees
  • All Managers and Karratha Operations site employees to complete Ngarluma cultural training (face to face)
  • Continue collaboration with Traditional Owner groups in locations where Sodexo operates, to deliver cultural training with a local context

Cultural partnerships and community support

Increase the discussions with Traditional Owners, Elders and leaders and respectfully request their assistance and guidance in the creation of cultural partnerships that develop greater understanding, appreciation and local celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in our business.

  • Identify and engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, Leaders and communities who are able and willing to enhance Sodexo’s understanding of local cultures

Improved inclusion

Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guidance in the development of business strategy and planning.

  • Identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and Leaders who can participate and enhance Sodexo’s Australian operations business strategy development and planning
  • Design and agree the role of identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and/or Leaders who will assist in strategy & planning
  • Commence ongoing involvement in strategy and planning by Elders and/or Leaders
  • Collaborate with Reconciliation WA and Reconciliation VIC to host at least one public event, per year, that celebrates National Reconciliation Week

Continued support

Continue our participation, support and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee access to significant cultural events and activities.

  • Identify and participate in key activities to support local, state/territory, as well as, federal initiatives in support of the spirit of Reconciliation
  • Provide opportunities and support for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to participate in local NAIDOC Week events
  • Continue with supporting the National NAIDOC theme and activities  
  • Host at least one public and one private event in every State and Territory in which Sodexo operates to celebrate NAIDOC Week