Strong governance, measurement and reporting

During our RAP journey Sodexo has learnt the importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of doing what we say. It is the centrepiece of developing greater trust and our demonstration of real Respect. Accordingly, we will continue our RAP governance through and apply the full suite of our business tools and disciplines in the delivery of our RAP Elevate.


Our RAP governance structure will be:


Governance structure

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices

Respected and knowledgeable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, employees and members of external communities and organisations sit on the RAP Community Advisory Committee.

They ensure our plans and actions are aligned to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

RAP Program Management

The RAP Program Manager will work as part of our Program Management Office (PMO) and have the full support of PMO team. Our suite of Project tools and disciplines will be applied to deliver of the RAP Project Plan. The responsible RAP Project Manager will work with and have the full support of the RAP Steering Committee and the Executive Team to successfully deliver the RAP.

RAP Steering Committee

Accountable for the delivery of the RAP and to provide leadership across the business and the wider community, the Steering Committee will be the key Governance body. It will comprise the local Sodexo Executive Team and a cross section of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices. The Program Management will report to and be part of the Steering Committee.

Sodexo management

On a day to day basis, operational management will be required to support, facilitate and manage the realisation of the RAP. They will be educated and developed to enable this outcome. They will also have the full backing of the other bodies that make up the RAP Governance Structure.

Sodexo Executive Team

As with all aspects of our business in Australia, the local Executive Team will own the RAP Elevate and ensure it is fully integrated with our organisational strategy. They will manage changes to the business and RAP, as required, to ensure it remains relevant, aligned and is successfully delivered.


Our key areas of focus are (click 'Learn More' for a list of our future commitments):

Governance structure

Sodexo develops and documents briefs and charters, conducts training and sets expectations, appoints/reappoints the members of each component of the model and delivers the Governance Structure. Sodexo continues to improve the inter-connectivity between the components of the Governance model, through reviews and feedback from stakeholders.

  • Re-enforce the Respect shown to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures throughout Sodexo’s Australian operations by:
    • Distributing the Welcome to Country and Acknowledgment to Country protocols to all staff;
    • Ensuring that a Welcome to Country is performed at every significant event;
    • Including an Acknowledgment to Country at the commencement of appropriate internal meetings;
    • Senior leaders responding to a Welcome to Country and/or give an Acknowledgment of Country; and
    • Continuing to build and maintain existing relationships with Elders and Traditional Owners across all of our sites.

Introduce business disciplines

Introduce PMO support, Project methodology, Steering Committee reviews, ensure the RAP Manager is empowered in these skills and assign clear accountabilities.

  • Assign and manage clear accountabilities for the delivery of the RAP
  • Include the RAP management into the Program Management Office (PMO)
  • Appoint an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander RAP Project Manager, providing support and education from the PMO
  • Develop a master schedule for the RAP and apply project management methodology to the delivery of the plan

Increased measurement and reporting

Set KPIs, measure regularly, understand the progress and impact, take corrective action, if required, and report more frequently to stakeholders.

  • Report on RAP KPIs and Project Management Success Indicators monthly to the Executive Team
  • Executive Team to review and address issues & risks, contained in the RAP progress report, as an agenda item in their monthly meetings
  • Report on RAP KPIs and Project Management Success Indicators quarterly to the RAP Steering Committee
  • Complete and submit the RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia annually
  • Participate in the biennially RAP Workplace Barometer