Our reconciliation priorities for 2015 - 2018
Quality of Life is Sodexo’s organisational purpose. We bring integrated capability to all of our endeavours and we recognise the necessary interdependence of Opportunities, Relationships and Respect required to deliver outstanding, measurable and meaningful outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities. Whilst our priorities below are focused on one of Reconciliation Australia’s Core Pillars, elements of each pillar are contained within them.
Becoming Employer of Choice/Building_Blocks/LOCAL/Multimedia/Images/RAP/Opportunities-Icon.png)
In becoming an Employer of Choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, we will significantly increase employment ooportunities from across our Australian business and create a working environment sensitive to their needs that enable long and successful careers with Sodexo or their chosen future.
Strengthening relationships and supporting cultures/Building_Blocks/LOCAL/Multimedia/Images/RAP/Relationships-Icon.png)
Sodexo sees this priority as the key to achieving and sustaining outcomes aimed at creating Opportunities and will therefore:
strive to strengthen existing and forge new Relationships with Traditional Owners, Elders, communities and individuals; and
increase our support of and participation in important cultural events and activities.
Supplier diversity and new ways to work together/Building_Blocks/LOCAL/Multimedia/Images/RAP/Opportunities-Icon.png)
Sodexo will expand our engagement with existing and new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suppliers to increase Opportunities for established and emerging business. We expect this to enable the creation of new employment and business opportunities for other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities through their success.
Strong Governance, Measurement and Reporting/Building_Blocks/LOCAL/Multimedia/Images/RAP/Respect-Icon.png)
delivering our commitment to sustainable change in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities not only reflects our dedication to our Quality of Life purpose but the Respect we have for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures. Sodexo can best demonstrate our Respect by putting in place strong measures that will ensure we say what we will do and do what we say.