
Creating meaningful and sustainable opportunities that benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities has been a focus of our previous RAPs and will continue in this RAP Elevate. By the nature of Sodexo’s service industry business, we recognise there are natural synergies between who we are, what we do and our ability to create opportunities in direct employment, supply chain solutions, and new and innovative business models. We intend to optimise our internal synergy in agreement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, thereby delivering opportunities sensitive to and within appropriate cultural frameworks.


Reflecting on our achievements


  • Achieved 10% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment across our Energy and Resources business.

  • Deployed our first Aboriginal off-shore employee crew (3 employees).

  • Increased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Apprenticeships to five.

  • Commenced the first group of VTEC Cert II in Hospitality trainees (15) in August, 2014.

  • Continued working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates experiencing employement barriers, through our Second Chance Review Panel, achieving successful employment outcomes for 76% of those who participated in the program.

  • Engaged 16 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses in sub-contracting agreements.

  • Procured $1,047,000 of Indigenous products and services for use across Sodexo Australia business segments.

  • Participated as a member of the Aboriginal Advisory Group to develop the RA Workplace Ready Program.

  • Collaborated with and participated in Supply Nation events including Supplier Diversity Fundamentals Training 2010, National Connect 2012, Perth Connect 2013, Supplier Diversity First Steps Workshop in Perth 2013, National Connect 2014 and a Karratha Supply Nation Information Session in 2014.

Reflecting on our lessons learned

In Karratha the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sub-contractors have told us that:

  • We are all responsible for building community capacity and sustainability; and

  • They want real contracts and work for local people.

Other lessons are

  • Actively worked with our clients to complement and add value to their obligations with Traditional Owner groups.