
Sodexo values our existing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, Traditional Owners, Organisations, Communities and Individuals. We acknowledge their rightful and equal place in Australia and deeply appreciate their inclusiveness, which has been extended to Sodexo and our employees. We look to strengthen our existing relationships and develop new relationships as we have the opportunity to do so. We will strive to build lasting relationships built on mutual benefits, deep respect and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.


Reflecting on our achievements


  • Major partner of the Yothu Yindi Foundation’s Garma since 2004 (45 Sodexo volunteers in2014, preparing and serving 18,000 meals to Garma participants).

  • Hosted 19 NAIDOC Week (Serving Country: Centenary and Beyond) events across Sodexo Australia, all with Aboriginal Elders and/or community representatives present.

  • Hosted 12 National Reconciliation Week (Let’s Walk the Talk) events across Sodexo Australia, all with Aboriginal Elders and/or community representatives present.

  • Hosted and/or sponsored 10 Journey to Recognition events, issued a CEO Media Release, signed up to NGO Charter and attended the inaugural gala fundraising dinner as a special guest.

  • A principal sponsor of annual Roebourne Ngarda Ngali Gummamardi (men) and Mangabura Gumagarrigu (women) community gala dinners.

  • Ongoing pro-active membership of the Wiluna Regional Partnership Agreement Industry Partners Group.

  • Sodexo accepted an invitation from the UN Global Compact to become one of 18 organisations globally to include our Indigenous engagement approach in the Practical Supplement to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Reflecting on our lessons learned

In Karratha the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sub-contractors have told us that:

  • They want to work together, know and support each other;

  • They want to empower and show the way of the future to the community; and

  • They need Sodexo to have more visibility and presence in the local community.

Other lessons are:

  • Invite external members to join our RAP Steering Committee; and

  • Involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in the reconciliation conversation and value their perspectives.