Assessing our progress

We have honored the commitment we made in launching the Better Tomorrow Plan in 2009 by defining, introducing and consolidating a range of indicators to drive and improve plan performance.

Most of the indicators monitored to date gauge our progress, allowing us to assess the advances achieved by the actions to which we are committed.

In 2010, we also directed our efforts towards defining, introducing and consolidating a number of impact indicators to measure the effects of our actions.

A broad inventory of sites was conducted to establish the 2008-2009 baseline and gather 2009-2010 data. Through the Better Tomorrow Plan, we widened the scope of our indicators to measure a larger portion of our activities.

In 2008-2009, we determined the performance indicators for our sustainable development actions. In 2009-2010, we introduced the indicators in each country in keeping with our commitments. To track improvements resulting from the Better Tomorrow Plan, Sodexo measures the progress accomplished to ensure that targets have been reached.

We achieve this through:

  • progress indicators that measure our progress, which are consolidated at the Group level

  • impact indicators that measure the impact of pilot programs at our sites. We are extending the use of these indicators to the country, regional and Group levels.

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The Better Tomorrow Plan

Aboriginal woman in Australia

We Are, We Do & We Engage: The basis of our strategy for Corporate responsibility.