Benefits and Rewards Services
Benefits and Rewards Services (formerly Motivation Solutions) provide access to a wide range of services that improves the quality of life of beneficiaries: employees, citizens and students… Because they improve daily life, promote work-life balance and recognize effort, our solutions have a positive impact on employee motivation and contribute to improving the performance of companies and organizations.

Our expertise consists in ensuring and enhancing the distribution and allocation of government assistance.
We make the distribution of public benefits and subsidies simple, transparent and secure for governments and local authorities. For governments and local authorities, we custom-design transparent and effective solutions that facilitate the work of government, optimize budget resources and help public authorities achieve their social policy, cultural or educational objectives. In addition, in promoting the development of the local economy, they contribute to the creation of enduring employment.
Our Public Benefits solutions provide acces for millions of people across the world to basic services, culture or residential support services. The Culture Pass enables students to attend sport and cultural activities, the Education Pass helps families in providing educational support for young children and the Pass Cesu offers assistance to seniors or to individuals with disabilities in their homes.