Sustainable Supplies

We are committed to sourcing food and equipment that are high quality and have environmental attributes while supporting our suppliers' development through balanced and long-term relationships.

Sodexo is a significant purchaser with more than 4,300 suppliers, so it is essential to develop trusting, mutually beneficial, long-term relationships to guarantee the quality and safety of products across our supply chain.

We respond to client and customer expectations through our values by promoting purchasing policies that increase the use of environmentally sound and ethically sourced products. We encourage our suppliers to share our ethical principles and procurement commitments. As such, we expect them to comply with our supply chain code of conduct, which covers human rights, business ethics and environmental management practices.

Our approach to sustainable supplies includes sourcing products that meet industry marques and partnering with suppliers from the regions where we operate. We believe that, wherever possible, we should purchase fairly traded and ethically sourced products. This ensures better trading conditions for producers and helps us build lasting relationships with global suppliers that have sustainable business.

  • Sodexo’s sustainable procurement policy focuses on sustainability, seasonality and provenance. We continually review our logistics arrangements in order to reduce delivery miles.
  • We source sustainable fish and seafood from Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fisheries and farmed fish from well managed and sustainable sources.
  • We are commited to sourcing Red Tractor assured products, sustainable fish and products that are in season wherever possible. We were the first catering company to ensure that its fresh meat, sourced from British farms, is Red Tractor accredited.

Click here to read more on our responsible business practices.

Our sustainable procurement commitments

Supply chain code of conduct

Suppliers are an integral part of our business and it is essential that they share our goals. We expect all suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct that is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Local, seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products

Promoting seasonal or sustainably grown or raised products can have a variety of positive economic, social and environmental impacts as evidenced by the certification marques that we support. Supporting local suppliers is one of the ways that Sodexo contributes to the economic development of the places in which we operate.

Sustainable fish and seafood

Fish and seafood consumption is continuing to rise, but at the same time certain species are in danger of extinction and some marine habitats at risk of destruction. To support the availability of fish and seafood for customers in the future, we need to play a part in reversing the decline of marine biodiversity.

Sustainable equipment and supplies

When we source equipment or supplies, we have opportunities to choose or recommend options that have a lower environmental impact than others from a material, energy, water or waste perspective at the production, consumption and disposal stages.




Plastics Pact

We have said no to plastic straws and stirrers


Wasteful to Tasteful

Sodexo are proud to launch a new initiative to rescue Grade B fruit and vegetables that would otherwise be sent to landfill.