Quality of Life Services

At Sodexo, we believe that the best way to create real, lasting value is to make people the central focus of organizations and society as a whole. We view Quality of Life as a decisive yet largely unexplored factor governing individual and collective performance.

As such, Quality of Life is the common denominator of all our services – it is our differentiator. We are the only company in the world that offers integrated Quality of Life services to its clients through On-site Services, Benefits and Rewards Services and Personal and Home Services in 80 countries around the world.


Our offer


On-site Services 150x95
Benefits and Rewards Services 150x95
Personal and Home Services 150x95

On-site Services

We make it our mission to improve Quality of Life – whether in Corporate or Education environments in Ireland. We enhance the health and well-being of employees and students, through a wide range of services from construction to reception, cleaning and foodservices.

Benefits and Rewards Services

Providing innovative responses to ease daily life or designing customized tools to recognize hard work and accomplishments are our way to improve individuals’ quality of life. From gym memberships to theater tickets or from meal vouchers to incentive and recognition programs, our services open the doors to healthier lifestyles, a more satisfying work-life balance, an improved standard of living and greater access to culture that directly impact individuals’ engagement.

Personal and Home Services

Sodexo’s personalized services respond to key trends currently impacting our society. As more women enter or re-enter the workforce, Sodexo eases the transition by providing flexible, affordable and reliable Childcare Services. As society ages, Sodexo’s In-Home Services allow seniors to remain safely in their own. And as more and more people strive to improve their work-life balance, Concierge Services simplify and facilitate daily tasks.

OECD Forum 2016

OECD Forum 2016

For the fourth year is a row, Sodexo sponsors the OECD Forum, the annual multi stakeholder event for delivering better policies for better lives.


Drawing upon extensive studies on individual perception of Quality of Life combined with 50 years of experience with clients and employees, Sodexo has been able to identify six dimensions of Quality of Life on which our services can have a real and measurable impact.

Icon - QOL Dimension - Ease and Efficiency Icon - QOL Dimension - Health and Wellbeing Icon - QOL Dimension - Personal Growth Icon - QOL Dimension - Physical Environment Icon - QOL Dimension - Recognitino Icon - QOL Dimension - Social Interactions

Survey - How leaders value QOL (245x150) 
This first international study shows that decision makers recognize a link between improving Quality of Life and performance. It goes even further, to identify the specific business outcomes (such as image and reputation, business, financial performance and organizational efficiency).