
Recognition can be a powerful source of motivation in various settings. While developing our extensive expertise in designing recognition systems, we have seen that when employees are rewarded for a job well done, their performance and dedication to their job skyrockets. In fact, 81 percent of employees work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work.

Quality of Life Dimension - Recognition (infographic)


Further Researches

But what is the best way to spotlight the hard work of others? In the corporate world, the success of any recognition program hinges on whether or not the rewards make employees feel valued and respected for what they do. Studies have shown that this feeling of being valued among university teachers translates to higher performing education systems. In the remote sites environment incentivizing lasting changes in safe behavior has led to significantly lower incident rates. Regardless of the working setting, the best programs offer customizable rewards that cater to individual needs and interests.


Learn more on the Quality of Life Observer.


Drawing upon extensive studies on individual perception of Quality of Life combined with 50 years of experience with clients and employees, Sodexo has been able to identify six dimensions of Quality of Life on which our services can have a real and measurable impact.

Icon - QOL Dimension - Ease and Efficiency Icon - QOL Dimension - Health and Wellbeing Icon - QOL Dimension - Personal Growth Icon - QOL Dimension - Physical Environment Icon - QOL Dimension - Recognitino Icon - QOL Dimension - Social Interactions

Survey - How leaders value QOL (245x150) 
This first international study shows that decision makers recognize a link between improving Quality of Life and performance. It goes even further, to identify the specific business outcomes (such as image and reputation, business, financial performance and organizational efficiency).