Energy & Resources careers in Sodexo

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Sodexo’s Energy & Resources team serves clients across specialist industries: oil & gas; mining and engineering; construction plus other energy sectors.

We have a dedicated team of 1,400 employees working at over 80 sites in the UK & Ireland region - often in isolated locations both on and offshore.

We deliver more than 100 services to clients, including design, construction and administration, light and technical maintenance, security, waste management, food services, sport and cultural activities, wellness and motivational programs and more.

All onshore and offshore operations are coordinated from our segment headquarters in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Unrivalled expertise

Through 50 years’ experience, we have developed unrivalled expertise in services that improve Quality of life for all those who work in the energy and resources industries.  Whether offshore on onshore, that means transforming often harsh living and working conditions into safe and comfortable environments that contribute to fostering engagement and commitment from our clients’ employees.


Generating a work environment where everything flows smoothly is crucial to our offer.  All of our services are designed to simplify and enhance the on-site experience of those we serve.

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Safety is our number one priority

Operating on remote locations requires an uncompromising approach to behaviours to achieve a zero-harm working environment.

Every Sodexo employee – working on or offshore – shares its clients’ absolute commitment to safety, no matter what service they’re delivering.

We rely on our network of Quality, Health and Safety specialists throughout the world.  Our network of 150 HSE professionals have provided in the past up to 335,000 hours of internal training a year.

Global safety standards

Sodexo Quality, Health and Safety standards are compliant with country and industry regulations. Our global support structure implements standardised reporting to track accurate Quality, Health and Safety metrics all over the world to identify actions to prevent future incidents.

Find out more about the Energy & Resources services we provideEnergy & Resources.

Quality of life offshore


There is probably no work environment as complex as an offshore platform. These unconventional places call for people who are capable of facing the unknown with professionalism, enthusiasm and resilience. Who are they? What do they expect in terms of Quality of Life? That's what this infographic investigates.


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Discover how Sodexo brings Quality of Life to the offshore industry.

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Diversity matters to us

At Sodexo diversity matters to us.  We believe that a diverse workforce reflecting the diversity of the customers we serve means a more successful business.