Better Tomorrow 2025

In 2017 we launched Better Tomorrow 2025 - our roadmap to help keep responsible business at the heart of how we work.

Read Corporate Responsibility Director, Edwina Hughes, announcement on our recent achievements and focus for the future.

Since the creation of Sodexo, our mission has been to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which we operate.

We make sure that our approach to enhancing people’s quality of life embodies principles of diversity, sustainability, environmental awareness, local prosperity and respect for every kind of resource we work with. Click here for the full Better Tomorrow 2025 story and see how we are creating a better tomorrow.

We recognise that as a global business we have three roles - an employer, a service provider and a corporate citizen. Our nine global Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments reflect each of our three roles. Each commitment relates to one of our three levels of impact. Our three impact areas are the Individual – safety, health and wellbeing, the Community – the places where we operate and the Environment - consideration for the resources we use to do business.

Find out more on our Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments and objectives here.

See what a better tommorrow means to us


Our UK and Ireland Progress Highlights

As an Employer:

In our role as an employer, we are working to improve the quality of life of our employees, ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce and foster a culture of environmental responsibility. Click here to find out more.

Find out more on our Investors in People status

 Find out more on the Sodexo Gender Pay Gap Report

As a Service Provider:

As a service provider to clients in multiple global market segments, with over 100 million consumers served each day, we have a duty to understand and provide for their unique needs, as well as their long-term aspirations. Click here to find out more.

Find out more on our sustainable supplies

Find out more on Sodexos commitments to healthy lifestyles

As a Corporate Citizen:

As a corporate citizen, operating in over 80 countries for over 50 years, we have responsibility for conducting a business that brings positive impact to the world, drives progress and respects the resources on which our future depends. Click here to find out more.

Find out more on Stop Hunger and see how you can get involved

Find out more on how Sodexo is helping women coffee growers in Peru

UK & Ireland Targets and Performance

Download our Better Tomorrow 2025 presentation that highlights our key objectives in improving the Quality of Life of those we serve.

Click here for the full Better Tomorrow 2025 story and download our commitment and objectives results.

Gender Pay Gap Report

Public Service Pledge

We are proud to publish our second Public Service Pledge which demonstrates that we continue to invest in our people, communities and the customers we serve.

Plastics Pact

We have said no to plastic straws and stirrers


Previous Corporate Responsibility Reports

Click here to view previous corporate responsibility reports and information