Generational diversity in Sodexo

Sodexo hires and trains employees from four different generations and has developed a Generations network to help foster understanding across all generations.

Team meeting (525 x 165)

Sodexo launched its UK and Ireland Generations employee network in 2014 using GenMatch, a specially-designed board game to help challenge generational stereotypes by getting teams to talk about differences in an informal way.

The network which attracted more than 300 members in its first four months, also organised a series of workshops and webinars covering ‘life stage’ matters such as managing childcare and being a carer.

The Generations programme has already helped Sodexo improve employee engagement across all age groups, but particularly among the 20-30 age group where there has been a five point increase.

Sean Haley, Regional Chairman, Managing Director of Service Operations and formerly executive sponsor of the Generations workstream, said: “The differences between generations can lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication but, in a workplace situation, if we raise awareness of those differences and harness people’s individuality, it can have a huge impact on the way we work together and help us perform better as a business. That is why we have launched the Generations network; to help us all better understand the people we work with and make us more effective."

Intergenerational solidarity

Active Ageing and Intergenerational SolidaritySodexo published a report on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity, partnering with the European think tank Pour la Solidarité.

Read the report