Supply chain management

Sodexo employees documents removal2Using our expertise in the management and development of your supply chain we can provide impartial advice and control through total visibility and transparency of costs; service and compliance to ensure you always get the most out of a best-of-breed supply chain.

We can also offer self delivery, where appropriate, ensuring the service we offer you can develop as your business needs it to.

More services

Find out about our waste management services

Sodexo designs, manages and delivers waste management solutions that reflect and respond to the ever-increasing importance placed on waste efficiency and corporate responsibility.

Find out about our health and safety services

Our dedicated health and safety team will support your business through robust policies and procedures that meet and exceed all regulatory requirements.

Performance reporting and Knowledge management

Our team of performance reporting and knowledge experts are able to deliver operational transparency through an independent assessment of service delivery.

Find out about our project management services

We have special expertise and skills to help design, construct and manage your workspace and our technical experts and construction managers can help you at every stage of building projects.

Find out about our governance and Centre of excellence

Services are delivered utilising robust standard operating procedures, which are monitored at point of delivery and recorded through our global asset management system.

Change and business transformation

Our team have a wealth of experience in managing complex change programmes and managing clients change portfolios.

Supply chain excellence

Brochurecover-Supply-chainAs one of only 80 business throughout the world that’s accredited as a Centre of Excellence by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS), our team is here to improve supplier performance, reduce spend and realise potential supply chain savings.

The Sustainable City by Sodexo

Enter the Sodexo’s “Sustainable City” and discover the potential environmental impacts and solutions of our activities at the sites where we operate.