Nutritionally balanced choices

Chicken saladHealthwise is Sodexo’s nutrition, wellbeing and lifestyle philosophy.

 It frames our complete approach to encouraging and maintaining a healthier balanced lifestyle, something which is especially important for customers with physically and mentally demanding jobs such as service personnel.

Healthy and nutritional menu planning

Our menu planning progressively and unobtrusively educates the consumer towards a healthier, more nutritional option whilst maintaining an acceptable level of choice.

Our research has highlighted the change in the lifestyle of service personnel. There is less emphasis on taking the standard three meals a day with greater prominence placed on fresh and healthier choices.

Our menus reflect this lifestyle change with, as an example, the introduction of a pasta food bar following customer feedback has been very popular and supports our commitment to provide a healthy choice. These initiatives are based on our experience, for example the introduction of the Grill Bar at RM Poole where diners can choose from a selection of grilled meat with accompanied salad and jacket potato has proved extremely popular. 

Healthy eating awareness for consumers

We wholeheartedly support the MOD Expert Panel on Armed Forces Feeding UK (EPAFF UK) and the direction provided in the Commanders’ Guide to Nutrition for Health and Performance published by the DFST.

We take our responsibilities of informing our consumers on the principles of healthy eating very seriously and use Sodexo’s Healthwise to do this.

We provide information and advice to help consumers learn about how to achieve a balanced and healthier lifestyle. This supports and is consistent with the MOD’s Healthy Catering Policy (JSP 456) and helps deliver healthy eating awareness training; a key element of this policy.
We introduce Healthwise consumer facing communication boards into all dining facilities which include factsheets covering different aspects of healthy eating. All outlets including the Messes are provided with the Healthwise factsheets to display on notice boards subject to the approval of the Mess Committee.

The aim is to make it easier for consumers to view and select a balanced menu. Our range of Healthwise factsheets highlights our understanding of and commitment to providing a balanced menu that caters for the diversity of service personnel.

More services

Find out about our defence catering, retail and leisure facilities

Our catering, retail and leisure facilities have been developed to combine high street style restaurants, cafés, bars, shops and leisure services.

Maintaining Mess traditions

With over 25 years’ experience of working with the British Armed Forces, we  fully understand the importance of  maintaining mess traditions for our customers.

Matt Dawson’s ‘Be part of it’ range


Sodexo’s ambassador for health and wellbeing, Matt Dawson, is passionate about providing good nutrition and balanced meal choices to Sodexo’s military customers.

Matt is involved in developing and promoting recipes based on Healthwise principles that aim to reduce the levels of fat, salt and sugar.

Some examples of this includes using herbs and spices instead of salt to infuse food with flavour, replacing butter and vegetable oil with olive or rapeseed oil as a healthier alternative, and adding more fresh fruit to desserts to help achieve the government’s recommended ‘5 a day’.


Healthwise logo (110)In UK and Ireland, Sodexo implements its Healthwise initiative that helps tackle a significant public health challenge: obesity.